1:1 Advanced intuitive HEALING

Breakthrough Barriers with Intuitive Healing

Experience profound change through personalized intuitive healing and meditations. In these sessions, Sonya combines intuitive insights with powerful energy work to address your deepest challenges and unlock your true potential.

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Rewire & Shift Your Reality with Intuitive High Frequency Energy Healing

Does this sound like you?

✓ You're achieving goals, but still feel unfulfilled or disconnected

✓ You're battling burnout and seeking a sustainable way to thrive

✓ You sense there's more to life, but can't quite access it

✓ You're ready to tap into your intuition for better decision-making

✓ You wish a healer could just tell you exactly what’s holding you back and to pinpoint the block so you know how to move forward…

Imagine Stepping Into Your Clarity and Expanding Your Reality In Less than 45 Mins

Picture this: You leave our session feeling lighter, clearer, and more energized than you have in years. The fog of indecision lifts, revealing a path forward that aligns perfectly with your deepest values and aspirations. You start making decisions with unwavering confidence, guided by a newfound connection to your intuition.

Imagine if…

  • Relationships that once drained you now flourish as you set healthy boundaries effortlessly.

  • Your career takes on new meaning as you lead from a place of authenticity and vision.

  • The constant chatter of self-doubt fades away, replaced by an unshakeable sense of purpose.

  • You find yourself attracting opportunities and people that resonate with your true self.

  • Stress melts away as you navigate life's challenges with grace and wisdom.

  • Your energy is magnetic, inspiring those around you to elevate their own lives.

  • This isn't just a dream – it's the transformative power of a intuitive healing session. It's about unlocking the extraordinary potential that's always been within you, waiting to be awakened. Are you ready to step into this empowered version of yourself?

Here’s How It Works

Sonya’s psychic healing session allows for safe and gentle experience with psychic insights. Her approach is straightforward and powerful, leaving lasting results that ripple through all areas of your life.



Sonya will guide you through a light meditation to connect with your energies in order to assess the situation.



She will tap into your energies to guide and assist your journey back to your highest frequency. Messages of wisdom may come through.



Per the guidance of your highest frequency, Sonya will gently heal, restore and clear any blocks holding you back from greatness.

Here’s What’s Might Cover


Uncover patterns in your relationships, heal past wounds, and attract the deep, fulfilling connections you desire.


Gain clarity on your true calling, overcome professional obstacles, and align your work with your soul's purpose.


Tap into your intuition for strategic decisions, clear energetic blocks to success, and manifest your entrepreneurial vision.

For A Limited Time Now 60% Off

Now Available For $145

Regular Price $333


Uncover patterns in your relationships, heal past wounds, and attract the deep, fulfilling connections you desire.


Reclaim your inner strength, set healthy boundaries, and step into your authentic leadership.


Discover your unique gifts and mission, aligning your daily actions with your higher calling for a more meaningful existence.

What Happens In A Session?


Sonya may guide clients through tailored meditation techniques to cultivate inner peace and enhance focus. These practices aim to help clients tap into their innate wisdom and provide a foundation for personal growth.

quantum energy healing

A session will incorporate quantum energy healing to clear blockages and realign energy centers. This process can activate the body's innate healing abilities, potentially leading to improved overall well-being.

spiritual awakening (starseed)

For those who resonate with it, Sonya might discover your potential Starseed origins. She can help clients understand their unique gifts and soul's mission, supporting them in embracing their spiritual journey.

Messages of Wisdom:

During the session, it is possible to connect with the Universe and channel messages from higher realms of consciousness. These insights often provide clarity on life paths, relationships, and career decisions.

Coaching or Mentorship

Sonya may offer personalized coaching that bridges spiritual wisdom with practical action. She can help identify goals, overcome obstacles, and develop strategies to align outer success with inner truth.

spiritual guidance

The session might include spiritual guidance to help clients navigate their path with confidence. Sonya can explore various spiritual concepts, help develop intuitive abilities, and provide tools for integrating spiritual practices into daily life.


  • During our session, I'll use my intuitive abilities to gain insights into your situation and energy field. I'll then perform energy healing to clear blockages and restore balance. We'll discuss the insights I receive and I'll provide guidance on how to move forward.

  • No, you don't need to believe for the session to be effective. An open mind helps, but the energy work and insights can benefit you regardless of your beliefs.

  • A typical session lasts 60 minutes, which allows time for both the psychic reading and energy healing components.

  • While I can provide insights into potential outcomes based on your current energy and choices, the future isn't set in stone. My goal is to empower you to create the future you desire.

  • Many clients experience significant shifts after just one session. However, some choose to have regular sessions for ongoing support and deeper transformation.

  • Come with an open mind and heart. It's helpful to have specific questions or areas of concern in mind, but don't worry if you're unsure – we'll discover what needs attention during the session.